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The Benefits of Aromatherapy for Sleep: What the Research Says

The Benefits of Aromatherapy for Sleep: What the Research Says

Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, has gained popularity as a natural way to enhance sleep quality. Various studies have shown that certain scents can induce relaxation and improve sleep. In this post, we’ll review the research on aromatherapy and sleep, and suggest essential oil diffusers, incense, and specific oils known to aid in relaxation and sleep.

How Aromatherapy Works

Aromatherapy works by stimulating the olfactory system, which is the part of the brain connected to smell. When you inhale essential oils or the scent of incense, they interact with the limbic system, a region of the brain involved in emotion, behavior, and long-term memory. This interaction can promote relaxation and improve mood, setting the stage for better sleep.

Research on Aromatherapy and Sleep

  1. Lavender: Lavender is one of the most widely studied essential oils for sleep. Research published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that lavender oil significantly improved sleep quality in participants with mild insomnia. The study highlighted lavender’s ability to increase slow-wave sleep, the deep restorative sleep phase.

  2. Chamomile: Chamomile has long been used for its calming effects. A study in The Journal of Advanced Nursing reported that inhaling chamomile essential oil helped improve sleep quality among elderly patients with sleep problems.

  3. Bergamot: Known for its stress-relieving properties, bergamot essential oil has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. A study in Frontiers in Psychology found that participants who used bergamot oil reported reduced negative emotions and increased calmness before sleep.

  4. Ylang-Ylang: This floral-scented oil is known for its sedative effects. A study in Phytotherapy Research found that ylang-ylang oil reduced blood pressure and heart rate, promoting relaxation and better sleep.

Essential Oil Diffusers and Recommended Oils

To enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy for sleep, an essential oil diffuser can be a useful tool. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Essential Oil Diffusers

    • Ultrasonic Diffusers: These use ultrasonic waves to disperse a fine mist of essential oils into the air. They are quiet and often double as humidifiers.

    • Product Suggestion: Explore our selection of ultrasonic diffusers for a range of options that suit your needs.

    • Nebulizing Diffusers: These do not use water or heat, making them ideal for preserving the integrity of the essential oils.

    • Product Suggestion: Check out our range of nebulizing diffusers for efficient and powerful aroma diffusion.

  2. Recommended Essential Oils for Sleep

    • Lavender Oil: Known for its calming and relaxing properties.
    • Chamomile Oil: Helps to soothe and relax, promoting better sleep.
    • Bergamot Oil: Reduces stress and anxiety, creating a peaceful sleep environment.
    • Ylang-Ylang Oil: Induces relaxation and reduces heart rate and blood pressure.

Using Incense for Sleep

Incense has been used for centuries in various cultures to promote relaxation and improve sleep. It can create a soothing atmosphere that helps calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep.

  • Tip: Choose incense made from natural ingredients and free of synthetic fragrances to avoid irritation.
  • Product Suggestion: Discover our range of natural incense to find calming scents like sandalwood, lavender, and chamomile.

How to Use Essential Oils and Incense for Sleep

  • Diffuse Before Bed: Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to your diffuser and run it for about 30 minutes before you go to bed to fill your room with a calming scent.
  • Burn Incense: Light incense about 30 minutes before bedtime to create a relaxing environment. Ensure your room is well-ventilated to avoid any smoke buildup.
  • Aromatic Bath: Add a few drops of essential oil to your bath for a relaxing soak before bedtime.
  • Pillow Spray: Create a pillow spray by diluting essential oils with water and lightly misting your pillow and sheets.


Aromatherapy offers a natural and effective way to improve sleep quality through the use of calming scents. Research supports the use of essential oils like lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and ylang-ylang, as well as natural incense, to promote relaxation and enhance sleep. By using essential oil diffusers and incense, and selecting the right scents, you can create a tranquil sleep environment that helps you achieve a restful night’s sleep.


  1. Hwang, E., Shin, S. (2015). The Effects of Aromatherapy on Sleep Improvement: A Systematic Literature Review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
  2. Zick, S. M., Wright, B. D., Sen, A., & Arnedt, J. T. (2011). Preliminary Examination of the Efficacy and Safety of a Standardized Chamomile Extract for Chronic Primary Insomnia: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study. The Journal of Advanced Nursing.
  3. Bagetta, G., Morrone, L. A., Rombolà, L., Amantea, D., Russo, R., Berliocchi, L., ... & Corasaniti, M. T. (2010). Neuropharmacology of the Essential Oil of Bergamot. Frontiers in Psychology.
  4. Hongratanaworakit, T. (2011). Relaxing Effect of Ylang-Ylang Oil on Humans After Transdermal Absorption. Phytotherapy Research.
  5. National Center for Biotechnology Information. (n.d.). Incense and its Health Benefits.
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